I can’t wait to meet you.

The pleasure’s mine.

My greatest passion is helping YOU develop and apply the building blocks of resilience to become a more compelling negotiator, presenter, speaker—and leader.

I am a deeply skilled communications strategist and executive coach with more than twenty years of professional services consulting and advisory experience. From the break room to the boardroom, across nearly every industry, I’ve built my career helping everyone from rising managers to C-suite leaders communicate effectively with employees, clients and shareholders.

Today, I write and speak on the link between resilience and communication, and I work one-on-one with leaders, helping them hone their personal communication style and increase their impact and influence by tapping into their inner resilience.

While change and uncertainty are unavoidable in this life, Kirsten helps her clients realize how critical it is to ground themselves, get organized, focus on their strengths—and tap into their inner resilience—to become influential communicators.